Border Patrol Jobs in Churubusco, New York

The Churubusco, New York Port of Entry, located on Route 189, is currently undergoing a multi-million dollar modernization. When complete, the upgraded facilities at Churubusco will allow for two-way travel between Canada and the United States. However, this relatively quiet Port of Entry currently operates under limited hours, and the Canadian side has closed their facilities.

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The Churubusco Port is part of Swanton sector, which includes 261 miles of international border. While illegal immigration isn’t a concern to the same extent as on the Southwest border, apprehensions of illegal immigrants still occur occur: during fiscal year 2011, the Swanton sector’s 302 Border Patrol Agents apprehended 815 would-be illegal immigrants, including 653 from countries other than Mexico. Agents also seized 7,415 pounds of marijuana, and 28 pounds of cocaine.

Narcotics have historically been an important concern in the Churubusco area: in 2009, local Border Patrol agents helped to break up a major drug trafficking ring that operated near Churubusco, delivering drugs and currency along the East Coast and Florida. The federal government estimates that during several years of operation, the ring smuggled 25 kilograms of cocaine, 5,000 pounds of marijuana, and $6 million in currency from Canada into the United States.

CBP Careers in Churubusco, NY

While Border Patrol positions can be challenging,  they have a crucial role to play in keeping the nation free from harm. And unlike other sectors of the economy, openings for border patrol officials are projected to increase modestly, according to the New York State Department of Labor. Border Patrol jobs in Churubusco, New York may include the following:

Border Patrol Agents – Border Patrol Agents respond to threats to the nation’s peace and prosperity by detecting and apprehending terrorists and their weapons. They may also respond to surveillance information, perform traffic checkpoints, investigate smuggling rings, and undertake other duties. All Border Patrol agents must be American citizens and residents, be under forty years of age (exceptions apply for veterans), have a drivers’ license, and not have domestic violence convictions. They must also undergo stringent fitness exams, medical tests, background checks, and other exams. Once a Border Patrol Agent is hired, he or she undergoes nineteen weeks of paid training, plus an additional forty days of training for agents who do not speak Spanish. (Facility with the Spanish language is a requirement for Border patrol Agent duty, but not for being hired).

Air and Marine Interdiction Agents – Customs and Border Protection Air and Marine Interdiction Agents patrol the air and sea toprotect the nation’s borders from terrorism, narcotics, weapons, terrorism, money laundering, human smuggling, and other threats. They may be employed as air pilots or command boats that patrol the waters around the nation’s borders. Marine Interdiction Agents, who work closely with the US Navy and Coast Guard, are particularly crucial for patrolling the waterways around the country’s northern border.

Agriculture Specialists – Customs and Border Protection Agriculture specialists ensure the safety of the nation’s agriculture and economy by using their scientific training to detect and apprehend pests, diseases, and agro-terrorism. They examine plant and animal products entering the country, and may also help to treat or clean up contaminated agricultural or commercial goods.

Other Border Patrol jobs that may be available in Churubusco, New York include Mission and Support positions such as IT Specialists, Management Analysts, technicians, paralegals, and other duties.

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