Border Patrol jobs in Hamlin, Maine consist of two main positions, the first being Border Patrol Agents who conduct line-searches in the forests and in winter across frozen lakes, looking for anything suspicious or illegal. The second essential career at the border post is that of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Officer. These are the officers who inspect and question incoming traffic to ensure all rules and regulations are being followed properly.
Border Patrol jobs in Hamlin will place the prospective agent in the small town itself (population 242 in 2009). The town is situated along the Saint John river and close to a few other border crossing stations in the area. Across the river lies the Canadian Province of New Brunswick, locally known in Hamlin for its fine potatoes. The Hamlin post is surrounded by nature: forest, hills, lakes, and rivers. An ideal place for a nature-lover or someone trying to smuggle marijuana into the United States. In 2010 a contract for roughly $9.5 million was awarded for further developments to the Hamlin border station, a sign the federal government is only planning to increase the importance of this post.
Air Interdiction Agents in Hamlin
In 2002 a McDonald-Douglass 500c Helicopter was delivered to an airport used by the Border Patrol about an hour and a half’s drive south of Hamlin. This, in addition to an already operational Cessna 206, are two aircraft used for patrolling the border by Air Interdiction Agents in Hamlin. The aircraft are used to survey the border and search for any clues or illegal activities Border Patrol Agents might miss from the ground. They are also used in search-and-rescue operations, such as when a hunter becomes lost or a hiker needs medical attention.
Job Requirements for Air Interdiction Agents in Hamlin
For a CBP Officer to begin training and education in preparation for a career as an Air Interdiction Agent, he or she must first pass a pre-employment fitness test. This includes:
- Minimum of 12 pushups in 60 seconds
- Minimum of 20 situps in 60 seconds
- Walk up and down 600 steps in five minutes
- Healthy heart rate, blood pressure, and EKG stats