The Boulevard Border Patrol Station, within the San Diego Sector, was originally a substation of the Campo Border Patrol Station. As of 2006, the Boulevard, California, Border Patrol Station is as an independent station. The Boulevard, California, Station’s overall area of responsibility includes about 500 square miles, as well as eastbound tactical checkpoints which, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), are an important part of the “Defense in Depth” strategy employed by the San Diego Sector.
About the San Diego Sector
The San Diego Sector spans nearly 57,000 miles, which includes about 930 miles of coastal border between California to north of Oregon. In general, this sector’s primary operational area of responsibility includes about 7,000 square miles, as well as 60 miles of boundary and another 114 miles along the Pacific Ocean’s coast.
The Border Patrol jobs found throughout the San Diego Sector vary, as the terrain in this area includes everything from coastal beaches and high deserts to rugged canyons and inland mountains. Although the San Diego Sector is the smallest sector of U.S. Customs and Border Protection in terms of geographical area, this Sector and the Border Patrol professionals employed here have a significant population. Tijuana and Tecate, Mexico, and Baja, California, have a combined population alone of more than 4.5 million people.
In addition to the Boulevard, California, Station, the other stations of the San Diego Sector include:
- Brown Field Station
- Campo Station
- Chula Vista Station
- El Cajon Station
- Imperial Beach Station
- Murrieta Station
- San Clemente Station
Border Patrol Jobs at the Boulevard Border Patrol Station
Given the variations in terrain found throughout the San Diego Sector, Border Patrol jobs in Boulevard, California, are just as varied. Border Patrol jobs found at the Boulevard Station include:
- CBP Officers
- Border Patrol Agents
- Field Canine Coordinators
- Air Interdiction Agents
- Marine Interdiction Agents
- Agricultural Specialists
- Import Specialists
The San Diego Sector includes a number of specialized units that stipulate unique training requirements, including the Horse Patrol; the San Diego Sector Border Patrol Tactical Unit (BORTAC); the Marine Interdiction Unit; the Border Patrol Search, Trauma and Rescue (BORSTAR) team; the Air Mobile Unit; and the Smuggling Interdiction Group.